Rocky von Reute
Rocky von Reuta is an enchanting 5 year old fluffy mix, our guess is some Australian Shepherd with some German Shepherd. He has lots of fluff, but he is only 54 pounds. It was obvious that Rocky came from a loving home. We actually know he lived with a little dog, but unfortunately his owner couldn’t keep him anymore. He is such a gentle and sensitive dog, he is so happy to be with someone. When it was time to go back in the kennel at the rescue, easy going Rocky put on the brakes. He has obviously gone everywhere with his former owner, he is amazing in the car, even jumps over the passenger seat and sits nicely in the back seat. Easy to walk, loves little dogs particularly but takes a little bit to get used to dogs in his face. Other than that, he is just the most amazing dog! He loves walks and is house trained as well. His foster mom wants you to know that he is a picky eater, but she has figured out some things he can’t resist! Rocky is one of those very special dogs. Set up an appointment to meet him and you will see! |
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